ORIGINAL PRINTS BY JOHN AVAILABLE ONLINE AT DISCOUNTED PRICE As 2013 draws to a close I have decided to offer two new Special Collector's Edition prints. I am pleased to offer one of my best know images, Corn Lily, Eastern Sierra Nevada, as one of these prints. This photograph is the cover image, as well as Plate 22, in my first book Quiet Light.
Corn Lily, Eastern Sierra Nevada, California You can place a secure online order for this print at the Ventana Editions web store. In addition to the print above, I am pleased to also offer an 8x10” print of my image Painted Window. Painted Window, Anaheim, California You can place a secure online order for this print at the Ventana Editions web store.
The California Corn Lily (also know as California False Hellebore) graces boggy areas in alpine meadows for only a few weeks each year after the snow melts. Among a group of nearly 100 corn lily plants in the Upper Rock Creek region of the Sierra Nevada I made the photograph of Corn Lily, Eastern Sierra Nevada. Along the edge of a bog, the forest formed a dense canopy over the lilies. Beneath a hazy sun the light filtering through this canopy created a singular "spotlight" effect on this particular plant. After making two identical exposures (that’s how I still work today - two identical exposures of every image when possible) I was saddened by the fact the window would be destroyed - along with the rest of the building - the next day. I decided to see if I could break the glass out of the wooden window frame as I noticed the caulking had long ago failed. I gave the glass a substantial hit with my fist, and out it came. It came out so easily that I almost dropped it three stories onto the sidewalk below! I still have the window safely stored in our studio. I have photographed it a number of times over the years. I made a number of images of my defaced window in black and white with the 20x24 Polaroid camera, and there is an 8x10 Polacolor image of my window included in The Polaroid Book: Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography. All of the prints ordered will be shipped no later than March 31, 2014. All the prints are carefully prepared and packaged in specially designed protective shipping boxes, and shipped fully insured via UPS ground. If you have any questions about the prints, please feel free to contact Anne at 831-659-3130, or email: info@johnsexton.com Our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Pacific Time.
©2014 John Sexton. All rights reserved Site last updated January 2, 2014