John Sexton, Photographer


Workshop Participant Testimonials

Here are some unsolicited comments, used with permission, from participants on past Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierra: Exploring Autumn Light workshop.

–John Sexton

Dear John and Anne,

Thank you again for the opportunity of being part of the workshop. As I said, I found it not only incredibly educational from a technical point of view but also very inspirational. Thank you for your valuable input on my prints which I can't wait to apply - you have such a deep knowledge of what works not only technically but, almost more importantly, what makes a print communicate with the viewer and convey the photographer's intention. And you communicate your thoughts in a way that encourages and adds confidence to the photographer (at least to me).

– Erik, United Kingdom


Anne and John,

With regards to the workshop I do not have the words to comment as to how wonderful it was both in knowledge gained and the friendship of the group during the seven days! Seriously, much thanks to you both!!!!

I told my wife before the workshop I never felt like I was 74 years old. When I returned home I felt like I was 90 years old from all the hiking, carrying equipment, and lack of sleep. Good news –I have recovered, and feel young again and ready for another adventure!!!!

–Nick, South Windsor, Connecticut
Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierra: Exploring Autumn Light Workshop 2022


Thanks John and Anne for having us! I personally had a blast and have
positively gushed my favorable experience with family and friends. I learned so much. I have so much homework to do. It will keep me off the streets and out of trouble for some time.

– Jeff, Vancouver, Washington
Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierra: Exploring Autumn Light Workshop 2022


I have attended many photographic workshops and, without a doubt, this workshop was the best by a wide margin. The amount of valuable and useful information was incredible; it will take me a while to digest and absorb it all. I cannot wait to put what I learned to good use. John is a fabulous instructor and his love for photography and teaching are very evident.

–Barry, Dallas, Texas
The Expressive Black and White Print Workshop


I had a great time on the recent Mono Lake workshop with Charles, Anne, and you. I feel like I made a major improvement in my photography as a result of the workshop. The opportunity to get feedback from you and Charlie, as well as from the other attendees, was very powerful. That, plus the opportunity to see others work helped me see what was possible.

–Kent,Tucson, Arizona
Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierra: Exploring Autumn Light Workshop
John Sexton and Charles Cramer


John and his wife Anne hold the best photography workshop I have ever attended. They run the workshop professionally and in a well-organized manner. Participants enjoy the benefits of receiving instruction in a first-class black and white darkroom and studio while enjoying the welcoming feeling of being guests at their home.

John covers complicated topics in a way that everyone could understand, and pays attention to all necessary details. His passion for photography is reflected by the way he teaches, motivating participants to continue working on improving their photographic skills. After taking his workshop, I have certainly raised my photography standards to a totally new level.

–Sergio, Folsom, California
The Expressive Black and White Print Workshop


John, Anne, and Charles:

Greetings, what a great workshop!

I want to thank you all and lavish praise on the design of the Luminous Print workshop. But, first let me say how inspiring and useful the program content was for me. I would also add that it was great fun.

In a former life I put on training programs and workshops on business strategy development within Hewlett Packard’s various business units. I mention this because I am very aware of how difficult it is to architect a curriculum and design a flow -- all the while keeping students fully engaged and enthusiastic.

Having said this, I think the way you’ve organized and paced the various elements of this program was brilliant. Though the days were long I can’t think of one thing I’d remove. And John, while it embarrasses me to admit this, prior to coming I doubted the darkroom parts would be of much a value to me (because I make inkjet prints). Boy, was I wrong!

I got at least three things out of the darkroom part: 1) a greater appreciation of the difficulty and craftsmanship that goes into the process; 2) an opportunity to see how YOU look at a print and make judgments about what you want to change; and 3) by seeing the context and where some of the terminology originates, I have a better sense of why and at what points various digital processes are employed (I’m thinking specifically about local contrast).

So, aside from the “what” you were covering, the “HOW” was amazing.

Congratulations to the three of you. I only hope I can do the material justice in my art making.

–Peter, San Mateo, California
The Luminous Print: A Synthesis of Traditional and Digital Workshop
John Sexton and Charles Cramer


"Thank you for a great workshop experience. I appreciate the professionalism shown throughout the entire workshop, keeping on schedule, covering so many topics, and still being accessible for individual concerns and questions. I am still processing the invaluable knowledge you departed on me and am still reading and using the workshop manual as a reference here at home. I am slowly gathering certain items and adding them to my darkroom so I can attempt the techniques I watched you demonstrate in your darkroom.

Thank you for welcoming all of us into your home and studio, what a privilege that was! Anne, thank you for the wonderful meals, hospitality, and great instructions you gave throughout the workshop. Your ability to keep the workshop on schedule is a great asset to how well run and organized this workshop is. No wonder there is a long waiting list. The long hours you two put in attest again to your dedication and professionalism."

–Stephanie, Casper, Wyoming
The Expressive Black and White Print Workshop


Anne and John:

I just wanted to thank you again. I arrived back in Houston late last night and had some time in flight to read through my notes and the workshop syllabus. The amount of information covered was incredible. In reflecting upon the last five days, I realize that not once did I ever get bored or desire a break. While the days were long as measured by hours, they flew by for me and everyday left me with a desire for more.

I also want to thank you for opening up your home and for the delicious home cooked meals. The environment you provided was so very conducive to learning. I can't wait to put what I have learned into practice and I hope you will strongly consider offering the Fine Tuning workshop in the future as I would love to do it all over again after I have had 18 - 24 months of additional experience. Otherwise, I might have to repeat The Expressive Black and White Print workshop experience again!

Finally, as I was reviewing the materials, I came across Ansel's letter to Cedric. What a perfect ending to a perfect workshop experience. So, to you both...I wish for the thundercloud to let loose on you.’‘

– Greg, Houston, Texas
The Expressive Black and White Print Workshop

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Site last updated November 15, 2022

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